Excessive multiplication of fake hackers on telegram, instagram and facebook opens alerts throughout America, Europe and Asia

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Excessive multiplication of fake hackers on telegram, instagram and facebook opens alerts throughout America, Europe and Asia

January 6, 2020

During the pre-covid19 stage, there was already data on investment scams and jobs with fake government agents. Scams have never ceased to be the order of the day. Many Internet users take advantage of the financial needs in any global circumstance to offer asset multiplication services and immediate benefits with cryptocurrency mining.

The invitation is not to be tempted to contact these services due to the danger of phishing, account hacking and malware deposited on your computer system.

The strategy:

These guys who call themselves hackers or professional miners offer their services mainly in fake facebook and telegram groups. Its modus operandi is to offer high returns through minimal investments and false capture of payment receipts.

It has been seen that some of these scammers resort to the emotionality of the victim, assuring that they themselves have been scammed and know this feeling of helplessness.

Fortunately, Internet security authorities, the portal usa.gov and ftc.gov answer the call of victims of different scams with the same promise of easy money in a short time. Organizations involved in monitoring mining and investment scams from various countries in America, Europe and Asia already have lists of more than 5,000 fake services and bitcoin addresses linked to phishing and malware.

Among the current most dangerous addresses with the most scam reports are:








For more information about scams and possible misleading services and products, contact the international line

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