Guangzhou Evergrande TaoBao F.C

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Hi Dicky Mo, Welcome to the Guangzhou Evergrande TaoBao F.C
(age group-Candy, Passer, etc.) soccer team for _______ (season-spring or fall) 200__.
My name is _______________ and I'll be coaching the team this season. This will be my _____ season coaching. The team’s assistant coach is ____________. Our goal is for the kids to have fun and learn a little soccer along the way.
Practice: We will practice on _______ and ______ nights at Finley Ray Park in Milford. Practices will usually be at _____ o'clock and last about an hour. We'll be on field ____. Practice will begin the week of ________. I’ll send a confirmation email.
Games: Games will start _______ and end _______. We'll receive our game schedule in a few weeks and I'll distribute it to you. A snack list schedule will also be included so the players get a treat and drink after the game. Treats are available for $1.00 per player at the concession stand. We'll have to provide two people to work a two hour shift at the concession stand one game day during the season. If you like, we can split this up into 1/2 hour increments so that no one is overly burdened. This is a function I ask the parents to handle since concession proceeds are the biggest fund source for the league and helps keep soccer costs down.
Referee fees: Each family will need to pay $___ for ref fees. Please bring this amount to the first practice. I’ll collect it so I can pay the ref for each game.
Equipment: Your child will need a size ___ soccer ball (candy, passer is size 3), shin guards and a water bottle. Soccer shoes are optional, but recommended. Each player will receive a uniform shirt and socks for games. Try to wear black shorts for games if possible.
Roster/Call tree: Below are our players and parents. In the event of a practice or game cancellation, I’ll email and call the first person on the list below. That person should call the next person. If you get someone’s machine, please call the next person on the list. The last person should call me so I know the tree went through:
Player Parents Phone
Please email me when you receive this so I know you've been contacted. If you have questions or comments feel free to call or email. We look forward to a great season.
Coach _________
(your home phone/cell phone) (your email address)

Este es un sitio web satírico. No lo tomes en serio. Es una broma.

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